Production process

Production process

In the late autumn, we plant the tulip bulbs on the fields.

In early spring, the flowers grow on the fields until they blossom at the end of April. While the fields are in full blossom selection of the tulips takes place during which flowers with defects are removed. As the end of April approaches, we prepare for “topping”, the blossom is being removed.

With only the green leaves remaining the flower bulbs multiply until harvesting starts at the end of June. The bulbs are harvested mechanically. Bulbs are planted on nets which are removed from the field when harvesting.

After the harvesting the roots are removed from the bulbs, the bulbs are selected and sorted by size. The biggest sizes are for sales to greenhouses and private growers, the smaller sizes are for planting for the next season.

After processing, the bulbs are dried in ventilated storage rooms. On order, they are cooled, simulating a winter period for greenhouse growing.

Quality tulip bulbs from StoKolex are ready for export!

Steps in the production process
Tulip bulbs produced every year
Years in the Eastern European market
Generations of experience
Hectares of own flower fields
Clients in Eastern Europe
Dedication to our clients